Programs Overview

Below is an overview of the various programs that we offer at All American Karate in Orange City, Florida. We may add programs and special events from time to time. Be sure to follow our Facebook Page to stay up to date on news from us.

Evening classes:

Our Evening Classes include Lil' Dragons, Kenpo/Isshinryu, Sparring, and Weapons classes. These programs are for children and adults. The classes will be split up based on age and rank to make sure everyone is learning at the right pace.  


after school program:

Picking up kids from schools and bringing them to dojo. They will get homework time, snack time, hangout time with their friends, and a class whether it be kenpo/isshinryu, weapons, fitness, or sparring. Students will get to have fun while learning different skills in martial arts. Parents need to call to inquire about which schools we will pickup from.

Summer Camp:

We offer a full day of summer camp (7:30am to 6:30pm) for parents that want their children to have a lot of fun time as well as learning kenpo/isshinryu and many other aspects of martial arts.  There will be 2 martial arts classes each day to make sure students are exercising and learning to stay focused. 


Day Camps:

These are days that the school board decides to let students have time off (Winter Break, memorial day, labor day, teacher work days, etc.) The same as summer camp except prices may vary depending on how long the break is
